How can you improve team productivity?

Managing a company's production is one of the most complex tasks facing its managers. The hardest part is achieving the objectives. Discover the best tips for optimizing your team's productivity.
By setting clear objectives
To make a team productive, you need to set clear objectives to be achieved. Set up individual objectives and KPIs (performance indicators) to evaluate them. In this way, you put all team members in competition with each other. Promise prizes to the best performers to ensure that everyone is fully committed to achieving the goal. The achievement of individual objectives leads to the achievement of collective objectives. To ensure that the monthly goal is achieved, set daily and weekly targets.
Giving feedback
If you've set goals, know that your team is interested in the results of their efforts. Give them access to the KPI dashboard. It's a good idea to have an individual weekly check-up to look closely at areas for improvement and strengths. Analyze the performance indicators of each team member in his or her presence. Identify the bottleneck together, with the aim of making continuous progress. Show your support by asking each of them how you can help. Hold a team meeting at the end or beginning of each week to see where the team stands in relation to the objectives set.
By strengthening team cohesion through the organization of various activities
Given that productivity relies heavily on team solidarity, strengthening this cohesion would have a positive impact on the company's output. To do this, you need to organize activities from time to time. Plan a team building event at least once or twice a year. Then, to make the work environment more dynamic, plan small events during festive periods, such as masquerade costume, competitions (games, talent, beauty, etc.), lively lunches, and so on. If you can afford it, bring in an artist to provide the entertainment.